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What is dim array?

What is dim array?

The DIM function returns the number of elements in a one-dimensional array or the number of elements in a specified dimension of a multidimensional array when the lower bound of the dimension is 1.

What is dim function SAS?

DIM returns the number of elements in an array dimension. LBOUND returns the value of the lower bound of an array dimension. NDIMS returns the number of dimensions in an array.

What is SAS array?

A SAS array is simply a convenient way of temporarily identifying a group of variables. It is not a data structure, and array-name is not a variable. An ARRAY statement defines an array. An array reference uses an array element in a program statement.

How do I create an array in SAS?

allnums{i} = round(allnums{i},. 1); end; In this example, when the array ALLNUMS is defined, SAS will count the number of numeric variables used as elements of the array. Then, in the DO group processing, the DIM function will return the count value as the ending range for the loop.

When to use the dim function in SAS?

If no n value is specified, the DIM function returns the number of elements in the first dimension of the array. specifies the name of an array that was previously defined in the same DATA step. This argument cannot be a constant, variable, or expression.

When to use dim function in an array?

The DIM function returns the number of elements in a one-dimensional array or the number of elements in a specified dimension of a multidimensional array when the lower bound of the dimension is 1. Use DIM in array processing to avoid changing the upper bound of an iterative DO group each time you change the number of array elements.

How to create and use an array in SAS?

A SAS Array is a set of variables of the same type. The variables in an array are called elements and can be accessed based on their position, i.e., their index. You use the name of the array to reference the set of variables. Arrays are useful to create new variables and carry out repetitive tasks. For example, with a DO loop.

Which is an example of a one dimensional array in SAS?

Examples Example 1: One-dimensional Array In this example, DIM returns a value of 5. Therefore, SAS repeats the statements in the DO loop five times. array big{5} weight sex height state city; do i=1 to dim(big); more SAS statements; end; Example 2: Multidimensional Array
