What does abscond mean in parole?
What does abscond mean in parole?
Short Answer: Absconding from parole or probation means that you have failed to check in and uphold the to the terms of your probation/parole agreement.
What happens when you are an absconder?
An absconder from parole is someone who drops out of contact with the court and/or with the parole officer. In that case her parole is likely to be revoked by the court and she will probably return to prison. But if she is never caught, she may remain free for years.
What does absconded probation mean?
Probation Absconder is an offender who is under probation supervision but his/her whereabouts is not known. S/he would have left the jurisdiction of the court without permission of the court or probation officer.
What happens when you abscond from probation or parole?
Absconding is a Violation of Probation or Parole. Violation of probation happens when any of the conditions set forth by the court are not met, including absconding. When a violation occurs, the probation officer has the duty of deciding on the consequences.
How to report a parole absconder in PA?
If you have seen or have information regarding any individual within your community who is listed as a parole absconder, please contact the board at 1.800.932.4857 or [email protected] to report the information. You may also submit a tip from this website.
What happens if an absconder gets out of prison?
An absconder from parole will be picked up by the police if she is caught for some other offense, like a driving ticket. In that case her parole is likely to be revoked by the court and she will probably return to prison. But if she is never caught, she may remain free for years.
Can a parolee drop out of contact with the court?
If a parolee simply drops out of contact with the court and the parole officer, he becomes an absconder from parole. For someone in prison, getting out is the light at the end of the tunnel.