How do you treat a drusen disc?
How do you treat a drusen disc?
Optic disc drusen does not require treatment, and patients generally have good visual prognosis. There is currently no effective treatment for patients who have gradual loss of visual fields (some studies have suggested IOP lowering medications).
What causes optic disc drusen?
Optic disc drusen are caused by an abnormal deposition of a protein-like material in the optic nerve. The cause of this material is unknown. In some individuals, the deposition of this material can be inherited, while in others it occurs without a family history.
Can optic disc drusen go away?
Most cases of subretinal neovascularization associated with optic disc drusen resolve without treatment and with only mild symptoms. Laser photocoagulation should only be considered in cases if central visual acuity is threatened.
What is optical nerve drusen?
Drusen can also occur in the optic nerve. These drusen are made up of protein and calcium salts and generally appear in both eyes. Unlike the drusen associated with AMD, optic nerve drusen (also known as optic disc drusen) are not related to aging and often appear in children.
What is the function of the optic disc in the eye?
The main purpose of the optic disc is to transmit electrical impulses from the eyes to the part of the brain that accepts and comprehends the information. Miami eye doctors will also inform curious patients that the optic disc consists of over one million nerve fibers and is comprised entirely of nerve cells.
What does the optic disc in the human eye do?
Anatomical terminology. The optic disc or optic nerve head is the point of exit for ganglion cell axons leaving the eye . Because there are no rods or cones overlying the optic disc, it corresponds to a small blind spot in each eye.
What is the plural of optic disc?
optic disc (plural optic discs) (anatomy) The location where ganglion cell axons exit the eye to form the optic nerve.