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How do I download a form 704?

How do I download a form 704?

The eligible dealers are requested to first download the available version of the Audit Report in form e 704 from the “Downloads” Section of the web site www.mahagst.gov.in.

Can VAT audit Form 704 be revised?

Procedure for Revision of VAT Audit Annexure in Maharashtra Form 704 is applicable – Select yes, if applicable. Transaction Id of Form 704 – It will mentioned on last submitted vat audit report. Sheet No – Sheet no will be 1, if revision is done on first time. If revision done second time it will be 2.

How do I get my ledger confirmation online?

1. Ledger Confirmation Utility Template:

  1. Click on “Download” which is in the Menu Bar of the portal of the Department.
  2. Click on “Forms”
  3. Click on “Electronic Forms”
  4. Under Ledger Confirmation Form, click on “Ledger Confirmation Utility Template”.

What is e704?

What is Audit Report in Form 704? Ans : It is a report under section 61 of MVAT ACT, 2002 to be submitted by eligible dealer. within 10 months of the end of a particular financial year.

Where can I find MVAT audit report form 704?

Commissioner of Sales Tax, Maharashtra, amends with effect from the 1st April 2018 FORM –704- Audit report under section 61 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002. GST Bhavan, Mazgaon, Mumbai 400010, dated the 5th June 2018. No. VAT/AMD-2018/1B/ADM-8.-

Where can I get form 704 in Maharashtra?

Ans : It is a prescribed form of Audit Report in electronic format. It consists of 22 excel sheet. Q 9. ; Where is it available? Ans : It is available on the Department’s web-site i.e. www.mahavat.gov.in from where it is to be downloaded. Q 10 : How to file Form 704 electronically ? Ans: Filing of e 704 is a three step process., 1.

When to submit audit report in form 704?

3. Physical submission of audit report in form 704 for the year 2016-17 3.1 The last date for submission of audit report u/s 61 of MVAT Act, 2002 for the period 2016-17 is 15 th January, 2018. After uploading their audit reports for the period 2016-17, the dealer shall submit the following documents:

What are the three parts of form 704?

: This Audit report in Form 704 is divided in three parts, as under:- Sr. No . Audit Report Related to 1 Part 1 Verification and certification, computation of tax liability and recommendations to the dealer. 2 Part 2 General information about the dealer under audit. 3 Part 3 various Schedules and Annexure Q 5.