How do I download a form 704?
How do I download a form 704?
The eligible dealers are requested to first download the available version of the Audit Report in form e 704 from the “Downloads” Section of the web site
Can VAT audit Form 704 be revised?
Procedure for Revision of VAT Audit Annexure in Maharashtra Form 704 is applicable – Select yes, if applicable. Transaction Id of Form 704 – It will mentioned on last submitted vat audit report. Sheet No – Sheet no will be 1, if revision is done on first time. If revision done second time it will be 2.
How do I get my ledger confirmation online?
1. Ledger Confirmation Utility Template:
- Click on “Download” which is in the Menu Bar of the portal of the Department.
- Click on “Forms”
- Click on “Electronic Forms”
- Under Ledger Confirmation Form, click on “Ledger Confirmation Utility Template”.
What is e704?
What is Audit Report in Form 704? Ans : It is a report under section 61 of MVAT ACT, 2002 to be submitted by eligible dealer. within 10 months of the end of a particular financial year.
Where can I find MVAT audit report form 704?
Commissioner of Sales Tax, Maharashtra, amends with effect from the 1st April 2018 FORM –704- Audit report under section 61 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002. GST Bhavan, Mazgaon, Mumbai 400010, dated the 5th June 2018. No. VAT/AMD-2018/1B/ADM-8.-
Where can I get form 704 in Maharashtra?
Ans : It is a prescribed form of Audit Report in electronic format. It consists of 22 excel sheet. Q 9. ; Where is it available? Ans : It is available on the Department’s web-site i.e. from where it is to be downloaded. Q 10 : How to file Form 704 electronically ? Ans: Filing of e 704 is a three step process., 1.
When to submit audit report in form 704?
3. Physical submission of audit report in form 704 for the year 2016-17 3.1 The last date for submission of audit report u/s 61 of MVAT Act, 2002 for the period 2016-17 is 15 th January, 2018. After uploading their audit reports for the period 2016-17, the dealer shall submit the following documents:
What are the three parts of form 704?
: This Audit report in Form 704 is divided in three parts, as under:- Sr. No . Audit Report Related to 1 Part 1 Verification and certification, computation of tax liability and recommendations to the dealer. 2 Part 2 General information about the dealer under audit. 3 Part 3 various Schedules and Annexure Q 5.