How can I help ESL high school students?
How can I help ESL high school students?
7 Must-know Strategies for Teaching High School ESL
- Include journaling time. Friendships are extremely important in the teenage years.
- Integrate social media and technology.
- Include pop culture.
- Respect their previous knowledge.
- Win the right to be heard.
- Build bridges.
- Think about their future goals.
What are the best resources for teachers to use to help their ELL students?
ESL/ELL Interactive Websites for Learning
- Starfall. Great early-literacy practice for English Language Learners.
- Learn English Using Online Resources.
- English Media Lab Homepage.
- American English Resources.
- International Children’s Digital Library.
- ESL Videos.
- ESL Videos.
- LearnEnglish Kids.
What do you need to know about being a newcomer?
• Understand some basics about their legal obligations to newcomers. • Provide welcoming schools and classrooms for newcomers and their families. • Provide newcomers with the academic support to attain English language proficiency (if needed) and to meet college- and career-readiness standards.
Why are there so many programs for newcomer students?
Some districts establish dedicated newcomer programs to meet the needs of students who are new to the United States. These newcomers are important assets to the global economy and will make a valuable contribution to the social and economic vitality of the nation.
What are the goals of the newcomer tool kit?
It is designed to help elementary and secondary teachers, principals, and other school staff achieve the following: • Expand and strengthen opportunities for cultural and linguistic integration and education. • Understand some basics about their legal obligations to newcomers.
Who are the newcomers to the United States?
Students who arrive in the United States from other countries (newcomers), represent a variety of educational and linguistic backgrounds. States and local education agencies need to be prepared to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of these students. Newcomer students from different