Popular tips

Do you need listed building consent to replace like for like?

Do you need listed building consent to replace like for like?

Regular maintenance and minor ‘like for like’ in situ repairs do not need listed building consent. However, where repairs involve alterations or the complete replacement of historic fabric or features, which would affect the character of the listed building, consent will be required.

Can you knock down a listed building?

You must get listed building consent from your planning authority if you wish to demolish (all or part), alter or extend (internally or externally) a listed building. You won’t be granted permission to demolish a listed building unless it can be shown that there’s no viable alternative.

What can I do to a listed building without consent?

Carrying out building works to a listed building or changing the use of the listed building without the necessary consent can result in court action and legal penalties. And it is ILLEGAL to fail to comply with an enforcement notice. So I urge you to appoint a planning consultant to act on your behalf.

Does painting a listed building require consent?

If your house is listed you may need to get permission for external redecoration if this would change the character of the building, for example by painting outside walls if they have never been painted before, or using bright red!

What do you need to know about listed building consent?

Listed building consent is required for all works of demolition, alteration or extension to a listed building that affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest.

When do you need to get planning permission for a listed building?

Where the works have an impact on the external appearance of the building, planning permission may also be required and if so should be applied for at the same time. The local planning authority must consult Historic England and the National Amenity Societies on certain listed building consent applications (2).

Do you need permission to demolish a listed building?

The consent process is similar to the listed building consent process. Your planning authority can advise. Is permission needed? You must get listed building consent from your planning authority if you wish to demolish (all or part), alter or extend (internally or externally) a listed building.

How are buildings in the vicinity of a listed building protected?

Whether buildings within the vicinity of the listed building are protected by being within the curtilage of the principal building and whether objects or structures attached to the principal building are protected is also a difficult judgement. Again, if there is any doubt the local planning authority should be consulted.