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Do Springer front ends handle well?

Do Springer front ends handle well?

Re: Springer ride quality vs standard type front end Does not handle as well as the Springer , mostly due to poor right side groundclearance as much as anything. ( 240 rear don’t help neither !!) The Breakout rides ” smoother” when cruising , so it’s a bit of a trade-off in my opinion.

Why did Harley stop making the Springer?

It IS a good looking bike, but the springer handling characteristics, weight and performance are no match for the hydraulic front forks. Hence the hydraulics being introduced in 1953, and the springer phased out. A springer fork just doesn’t have the damping capabilities of a hydraulic fork.

What does a springer front end?

Springer front ends have been an iconic front suspension used by Harley Davidson for ages, dating all the way back to 1930. Manufactured by Mid USA, the vintage springer is styled with the iconic Harley cast style springer perch and triple trees.

When did the Heritage Springer brake caliper end?

Interestingly enough, Harley did not upgrade the Heritage Springers front brake caliper in ’99. Springers were the only Softails that continued using the same caliper on the front that was used since 1984. Unfortunately, Harley decided to discontinue The FLSTS Heritage Springer after the 2003 model year.

When do you need a front end adjustment on a Springer?

You may be getting near a maintenance interval so check out our service promotions. For Springer Models FLSTS & FXSTS: As stated in the owner’s manual, FLSTS Heritage Springer Models should have a front end adjustment at 500 miles.

What are the changes to a Heritage Springer?

A new Softail frame was introduced with a different and improved geometry. The frame backbone was strengthened and a new swingarm with improved rear brakes (additional piston) were added. The Softail shocks were redesigned along with a sealed bearing system for the wheels to add to the improved ride.

How to repair a Harley Davidson Heritage Springer?

FLSTS SOFTAIL HERITAGE SPRINGER . parts list catalogue manual → View webpages ( download→pdf→url ) 2002 . Harley Davidson . FLSTS SOFTAIL HERITAGE SPRINGER . parts list catalogue manual → View webpages ( download→pdf→url ) 2001 . Harley Davidson . FLSTS HERITAGE SPRINGER . parts list catalogue manual → View webpages ( download→pdf→url ) 1999 .