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Are thin lenses worth it?

Are thin lenses worth it?

Thinner lenses will look better. They’ll be easier to have the lens edges hidden within the frame of the glasses. They’ll look less noticeable when people look at your glasses. And, they’ll feel better.

Which lenses are the thinnest?

Answer: 1.74 index lenses are the thinnest eyeglass lenses for high prescriptions. These ultra-light lenses are the thinnest kind developed yet, and accommodate the highest prescriptions possible. They’re much thinner and lighter compared to 1.67 index lenses, and offer a certain level of cosmetic value too.

Is there anything thinner than 1.74 lenses?

If you are short sighted (near) and have a strong “-“ prescription, the thinnest lenses available are Glass 1.9 index lenses. If you are long sighted (far) and have a strong “+“ prescription, the thinnest lenses available are Plastic 1.74 index Double aspheric lenses.

What are the thinnest varifocal lenses?

High Index 1.74 lenses are the thinnest, flattest, and most cosmetically appealing lens ever developed. These ultra thin lenses are nearly 50% thinner than plastic and 5% thinner than 1.67 high index lenses, offering you the ultimate in technology and cosmetics.

When to use thinlens.co.uk for lenses?

Maybe your prescription has changed, or you’ve broken a lens, or you just want thin lenses. With the reglaze service from ThinLenses.co.uk you will get our top quality thin lenses fitted into your existing frame. Our reglaze service is fast, efficient and cost effective.

Which is the thinnest 1.74 index lens?

Thinnest 1.74 index with Enhanced Anti-Glare is the Thinnest entry level varifocal we supply and the only way the overall comfort and visual quality of the Varifocal can be bettered is by upgrading to either the Pro-Series or Omni-Vision HD. This Thinnest 1.74 index lens is suitable for all frame types including Rimless.

Are there any glasses that are thinner than glass?

The latest developments deliver even more good news: Thanks to centre thickness optimisation, even thinner spectacle lenses are now available and there is no need to compromise on quality. Spectacle lenses as thick as glass blocks – fortunately, those times are long gone.

Who is the only company to stock thinlens glasses?

Thank you, Ash Mehta! Thinlenses were the only company to stock the glasses that I wanted, after accidentally breaking my two pairs: they couldn’t have been more helpful in informing me when the frames had arrived at their office, and requesting me to send the broken ones in.