Useful tips

Why do my broadheads shoot low?

Why do my broadheads shoot low?

Slight arrow-rest misalignments can cause broadheads and field tips to fly differently. Shoot one broadhead and follow it with two field tips. If the field tips group higher than the broadhead, your arrow rest is too low, which causes broadheads to plane lower than field tips.

Why do my broadheads shoot higher?

If you are intentionally trying to get the BH to hit higher, moving the rest up or the nocking point down should do it. However, if your nock point is too low, your fletching may be hitting the rest on the release. This will cause the back end of the arrow to kick up high.

Should I sight my bow in with broadheads?

A hunting bow should be tuned to the arrows and broadheads that you are going to use in the field. Always tune the bow with target points of the same weight as the broadheads.

What should I do if my Broadhead is not shooting left?

Do not move the rest vertically yet. Make one adjustment at a time, because in many cases, one small fix will cure the issue. Shoot the field point and broadhead tipped arrow again and analyze the results. If it is still shooting left, you need to move the rest further to right.

What should the rest be on a broadhead Arrow?

It is time to tinker. Start by moving your rest one hash mark, usually 1/16-inch on most rests, to the right (always make rest movement opposite of where your broadhead arrow is hitting, both horizontally and vertically). Do not move the rest vertically yet.

Can a field point be shot with a broadhead?

A field point will often correct itself and you can get away a not so tuned bow. In general the broadheads will tell you if any fine tuning is needed. I’ve only had one broadhead that I couldn’t get to shoot like field points out to 50 yards and that was a G5 Montec. Everything else has been tunable.

Why does a broadhead Arrow drift off target?

This is because the blades on a broadhead can act like wings and steer an arrow all over a target face. Launch an arrow poorly and the blades will catch air and drift off target right from the start. Make sure to re-check your arrow spine before you begin tuning.