Who is the first boss in Resident Evil 4?
Who is the first boss in Resident Evil 4?
Chief Menendez
Chief Menendez serves as the big boss of the first chapter.
How do you beat the lake monster in Resident Evil 4?
Every now and then, Del Lago will disappear in the water and the boat will stop, and you’ll get a chance to hit it with two or three spears. The most damage is done if you hit its mouth, of course, but hitting its back as it pulls you along also helps. It takes around ten spears to kill it.
How do you kill the troll in Resident Evil 4?
If you’re close by and it’s distracted, blast away with your shotgun. Use the rifle if there’s enough distance between you and aim at its head. Once the parasite pops out, slash it as many times as possible. It’ll probably take three times of doing this whole process to take it out.
What happens in Chapter 2 of Resident Evil 4?
Chapter 2-1 is the first part of Resident Evil 4 ‘ s Chapter 2. After battling with Del Lago, Leon had a nightmare about being infected with the Plaga. He then wakes up and had a radio conversation with Hannigan.
Which is the tenth level of Resident Evil 4?
Chapter 4-1 is the tenth level of Resident Evil 4 . After the reunion, Leon is interrupted by Salazar and trades more witty banter with him. Leon and Ashley must continue on through the castle.
What’s the HP of an enemy in Resident Evil?
This shows us the HP value range: if an enemy dies with 10 shots, its HP value is between 9.1 and 10.0. 2) Calculate a 1-digit approximation using another handgun.
How much HP does the Plaga have in Resident Evil 4?
– For Chapter 2 Gigantes, it takes 33.4 damage to expose the plaga, which has 16.7 HP. – For Chapter 4 Gigantes, it takes 125.0 damage to expose the plaga, which has 62.6 HP. The HP of Garradores was calculated by shooting their bodies. The plaga in their backs is a weak point that multiplies the damage done by ~16.