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Who can bill CPT code 90846?

Who can bill CPT code 90846?

To bill 90846 or 90847, you must choose one person in the family as the identified patient (ideally the primary holder of the insurance or the one with the more severe symptoms).

What is the code for teletherapy?

In behavioral health, the modifier 95 is added to the original code to signify teletherapy. For example, you would add the 95 modifier to 90834 to signify a 45-minute teletherapy session (i.e., 90834-95).

Does Medicare pay for 90846?

Medicare coverage of family therapy codes 90846, 90847 and 90849 is extended whenever medically necessary. Codes 90846 and 90847 will be considered for payment under Medicare only for treatment of the Medicare beneficiary’s mental illness.

Can 90846 and 90837 be billed together?

Thus, multiple lines for the same date of service will be used on the claim form or statement. Prolonged Service codes are “add-on codes,” which means they cannot be billed alone, and must always be billed together with the 90837 or 90847.

What does CPT code 90846 mean?

CPT 90846, Under Other Psychotherapy Procedures. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 90846 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Other Psychotherapy Procedures.

What is Procedure Code 90845?

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 90845 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Other Psychotherapy Procedures.

What is the CPT code for procedure?

CPT stands for Current Procedural Terminology and are published by the American Medical Association. Ranging from 00100 to 99499, the CPT codes are used to describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic services and procedures.

What does Procedure Code 90862 stand for?

CPT code 90862, Pharmacologic management, including prescription, use, and review of medication with no more than minimal medical psychotherapy: This code is not intended to be used for the actual administration of medication, nor is it intended to be used for observation of the patient taking an oral medication.