Useful tips

Where is the University Hospital in Erlangen located?

Where is the University Hospital in Erlangen located?

It is situated in the south of Germany (Bavaria) and is part of the “Europäische Metropolregion Nürnberg” (European Metropolitan Region Nuremberg). The university hospital, the university and the city of Erlangen have a common goal in mind: to be denominated as “City of Health and Medicine”.

What is the history of Erlangen in Germany?

Erlangen. An element of the city that goes back a long way in history, but is still noticeable, is the settlement of Huguenots after the withdrawal of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Today, the city is dominated by the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Siemens technology group.

How is uni Klinikum Erlangen a scientific cluster?

Within the scope of “Medical Valley EMN” (a scientific cluster-cooperation) the university hospital, the university and the city are collaborating with scientific, commercial and political partners to gain an international leadership position in the field of optimal health care and best medical engineering.

When did Henry IV take residence in Erlangen?

On 20 August 1063, Emperor Henry IV created two documents “actum Erlangen” while on a campaign. Local researchers therefore concluded that Erlangen must have already gained so much in extent that in 1063, Henry IV took his residence there with many princes and bishops and was therefore the seat of a King’s Court.

What is the Department of Medicine 3 universitatsklinikum Erlangen?

The Department of Medicine 3 is one of five clinics for internal medicine at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen specialized in rheumatology and clinical immunology. Our clinic offers modern and targeted diagnosis- and therapeutic interventions for the treatment of rheumatological, immunological and allergological diseases.

Is there a university library in Erlangen Nurnberg?

The University Library Erlangen-Nürnberg is the library system of the Friedrich Alexander University and is a regional library for the region of Middle Franconia. As an academic universal library, it offers its users a wide range of specialist literature from all faculties and a variety of services.