What size should images be for WooCommerce?
What size should images be for WooCommerce?
800 to 1000 pixels
A minimum WooCommerce image size of 800 to 1000 pixels is recommended for standard products. If you have more complicated and detailed products, a larger image (e.g., 2000 pixels and above) will let customers zoom in to see the item’s details. WooCommerce image types include: Catalog image.
What size should WordPress logo?
On WordPress, logo size depends on the theme that you are using. For example, if you are using the Divi theme, the default size is 93px X 43 px. When uploading, go for a 250px X 45px to 250px X 55px size for a horizontal logo. This way, there will be enough white space around the logo making it look crisp.
What is the best size for a logo on a website?
For the most part, 250 px (width) x 100 px (height) are the optimal logo dimensions for a web page.
What is a good size for logo?
A general rule is to make your signature image no larger than 320px wide, and 70–100px high. Most mobile devices are typically between 320px and 500px wide, so this will ensure your logo looks great on all mobile screens!
How to set up Google Shopping with WooCommerce?
Purchase and activate the WooCommerce Google Product Feed extension. Sign up for a free Google Merchant Center account. Follow the steps, which include pasting some code to your store’s theme file to verify your URL. Set up and fetch your feed. Add the unique feed URL from the Product Feed screen in wp-admin to your Google account.
What’s the default image size for woocommerce.com?
It defaults to 600px width. woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail is always square cropped and defaults to 100×100 pixels. This is used for navigating images in the gallery. woocommerce_thumbnail defaults to 300px width, square cropped so the product grids look neat. The aspect ratio for cropping can be customized by the store owner.
How to name a product in WooCommerce product feed?
And rather than including just ‘any’ feature to the main title, mention the feature that makes it a variant of the product. For example, if a product is a Logo Rex T-shirt and has variations Red and Blue, then on your Google Product Feed, one variation should be named “Logo Rex T-shirt – Red” and the other one “Logo Rex T-shirt – Blue”.
What’s the difference between WooCommerce single and gallery?
woocommerce_single – used on single product pages. woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail – used below the main image on the single product page to switch the gallery. woocommerce_single shows the full product image, as uploaded, so is always uncropped by default. It defaults to 600px width.