Useful tips

What is the meaning of devisive?

What is the meaning of devisive?

/dɪˈvɑɪ·sɪv, -ˈvɪs·ɪv/ tending to cause disagreements that separate people into opposing groups: The campaign for the mayor’s office was racially divisive.

What is divisive person?

If you say something that is intended to make people angry with each other, your words are divisive. If you want to avoid divisive talk at your family’s Thanksgiving dinner, it’s probably best to avoid discussing politics.

What’s the definition of isolating?

: the state of being in a place or situation that is separate from others : the condition of being isolated. : the act of separating something from other things : the act of isolating something.

What is the noun for divisive?

(uncountable) The act or process of dividing anything. Each of the separate parts of something resulting from division.

Which is the best definition of the word divisive?

Definition of divisive : creating disunity or dissension a divisive issue divisive rhetoric Other Words from divisive

Who is the divisive person in the Bible?

The divisive person is usually some who knows a lot about the bible and they probably have been a Christian for many years. So you would think that they know better, but they don’t.

Who are the divisive people in the world?

The divisive person most likely has created an echo chamber where they only hear from people (teachers, authors, articles, social media, friends) that reinforces their own narrow views. The don’t listen, or they filter out, anything that would force them to think outside of the box.

How to know if someone is a divisive person?

The divisive person has a hard time maintaining friendships (even within their own family) because they usually find something they disagree with and refuse to associate with others when this happens. The divisive person seems to be more motivated by being right than being loving.