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What are the subjects in BCA 1st year?

What are the subjects in BCA 1st year?

BCA Course Syllabus

Semester BCA Subjects
I Fundamentals of IT & Computers Digital Electronics Basic Mathematics English Communication C Language Lab
II Operating Systems and Fundamentals Organisational Behaviour C Language Advanced Concepts Advanced Mathematics Advanced C Programming Lab

What is the syllabus of BCA?

BCA Syllabus

Semester 1 Semester 2
Foundational Mathematics Basic Discrete Mathematics
Statistics I For BCA Operating Systems
Digital Computer Fundamentals Data Structures
Introduction To Programming Using C Data Structures Lab

What are the allied subjects in BCA?


  • Core Paper II: Practical –I : PC Software Lab.
  • Allied Paper – I :Mathematics – I.
  • Core paper – IV :Practical – II : Programming in C Lab.
  • GCD of two numbers 3.
  • Allied Paper II :Mathematics – II.
  • sinβx.
  • How to download BCA syllabus for 1st year?

    Check the BCA Course details from this page and then download BCA 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd-year Notes & Study Materials in PDF formats. Also, know the details of BCA Course Syllabus and Reference Books and add some advantages during the preparation time.

    How many semesters are there in the BCA course?

    BCA is a three-year-long undergraduate course consisting of six semesters. In the BCA 1st semester syllabus, students can study all essential and core subjects of the course. From BCA, 3rd sem syllabus, students get the opportunity to choose electives that make their course more dynamic and flexible.

    What is the syllabus for BCA 5th SEM?

    BCA 5th sem syllabus evolves even further and allows the students to do a project or research-based subject to understand the course at a deeper level further. Below is a list of some core subjects that students are taught during their BCA course:

    How long is the Computer Application course BCA?

    The duration of this computer application course is 3 years split into 6 semesters. The detailed structure and syllabus of the BCA course are given here on this page. Check the Sem-wise BCA Syllabus and also the Core Subjects and Specialization Courses information before the exams.