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Is Quicksync better than NVENC?

Is Quicksync better than NVENC?

From what I’ve read, QuickSync will outperform NVENC/DEC for encoding/decoding tasks. The fact that you have the iGPU sitting there (and it’s the 630 version) you have zero to lose by turning it on and using it to offload any transcoding.

Is it better to use NVENC or x264?

But there is a slight trade-off in quality, and the reality is that x264 looks better than both NVENC and AMF when given enough power to do its job. When selecting a x264 you can then adjust the CPU Usage Preset from ultrafast all the way down to slow and placebo.

Which is better Quicksync H 264 or x264?

x264 veryfast will give close or a bit better to H264 Haswell Quicksync quality. x264 at ultrafast-superfast can be worse than Quicksync3. But that depend on what version of Quicksync are you using too. Sandy Bridge and Ivy bridge has lower quality H264 Quicksync while Haswell+ has better quality.

Is NVENC better than VCE?

VCE is ok, but worse than NVENC. VCN is on-par with NVENC. NVENC has far more software that supports it directly than VCE/VCN does, but AMD has better driver-included software for using it. OBS supports both.

Which is better NVENC or Intel Quick Sync?

So for things like twitch streams and recording games, NVENC is better because you will see almost no drop in FPS when running it. But at lower bit rates, like the 5 or 6 Mbps common for twitch, the CPU cost of x264 may be worth it for slightly sharper video.

Which is better QuickSync or NVENC for OBS?

That’s why Quicksync is the best option bc it balances frames and quality. Have you been wondering how to use Chanel Points to Control OBS. It’s actually fairly simple and FREE all done by using Touch Portal to control OBS. This simple OBS Tutorial will show you how to control your stream and give you an infinite amount of Channel Point ideas!

Which is faster Turing NEVC or QuickSync?

You have a Turing NEVC encoder, that is significantly improved over the Pascal ’10 series’ card that the OP has. In their scenerio, QuickSync is faster for the same quality – there are many ‘comparisons’ on youtube going into this.

Can you use Nvidia Quick Sync on a CPU?

If you are only using a discrete add-on GPU to drive all of your displays, Quick Sync will not work even if the CPU contains the required GPU section. NVENC is an encoder that performs roughly the same kinds of acceleration using nVidia GPUs, assuming your system has one.