Useful tips

How do you view someones videos on Facebook?

How do you view someones videos on Facebook?

It’s below the person’s profile picture. Tap Albums. Tap Videos. All of the person’s videos, that are visible to you, will be displayed here.

Why can’t I see friends videos on Facebook?

You can try updating your internet browser and installing the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. If that doesn’t work, please use the “Report a Problem” link on your account to let us know more about what you’re seeing when you try to view a video.

How can I see videos my friends shared on Facebook?

Facebook Help Team

  1. Go to your profile and click “View Activity Log”
  2. Click “More”, then “Videos Watched” on the left side.
  3. You can use the years on the right to help you navigate through your Activity Log.
  4. When you find the video, you can click on it to see who shared it.

How to view a friend’s video on Facebook?

1 Log into Facebook on a computer and navigate to your friend’s Facebook profile. 2 Click on “Photos,” then select “Albums.” 3 Scroll down to “Videos” and select the video you want to watch. 4 Contact your friend and ask him or her to include your Facebook profile as part of the video’s audience.

Can you see who has viewed your profile on Facebook?

There’s no official way to access your profile’s views or visits. You may see figures on visits in a facebook page, but that information won’t show you specific people who’s visited your page. However, there’s a trick that may tell you if someone entered your facebook profile.

Why are so many people watching videos on Facebook?

And we aren’t the only one to see these results. Here’re a couple possible reasons: More than 92% of Facebook users use Facebook on their mobile every day. Video consumption on mobile has increased 233% since 2013, and more than half of video views take place on mobile.

What’s the best way to get more views on Facebook?

Great thumbnails – BuzzFeed uploads custom thumbnails that do a great job at capturing people’s attention while they scroll through their feed. Tease the video with a short post update: Sometimes it’s the title of the video itself (if that is compelling enough). Other times they tease what the video is about.