Which pharyngeal muscle arises from the tubal Ridge?
Which pharyngeal muscle arises from the tubal Ridge?
The levator veli palatini muscle arises from the in- ferior aspect of the petrous apex. Some fibers may attach to the lower border of the medial lamina of the tubal cartilage. The fibers pass inferomedially, par- alleling the tubal cartilage and lying within the vault of the tubal floor.
What does the Salpingopalatine fold cover?
anteriorly, the second and smaller fold, the salpingopalatine fold, smaller than the salpingopharyngeal fold, contains some fibers of muscle, called salpingopalatine muscle by Simkins (1943), it stretches from the superior border of lateral lamina of the cartilage, anteroinferiorly, to the back of the hard palate.
What does the Salpingopharyngeus muscle do?
The salpingopharyngeus is a muscle of the head and neck, and one of the inner longitudinal muscles of the pharynx. The paired slender muscles create vertical ridges of mucous membrane in the posterior pharyngeal wall descending from the medial ends of the Eustachian tubes to the called the salpingopharyngeal folds.
What muscle group is involved in speaking swallowing and middle ear function?
The lateral (external) pterygoid muscle (LP) and the medial (internal) pterygoid muscle (PM) are a group of muscles involved in mastication and function of the middle ear.
What does plica salpingopalatina mean in medical terms?
a ridge of mucous membrane passing from the anterior border of the opening of the auditory (eustachian) tube to the palate. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster’s page for free fun content . Medical browser ? Full browser ?
Which is the correct definition of the salpingopalatine fold?
salpingopalatine fold. sal·pin·go·pal·a·tine fold. [TA] a ridge of mucous membrane passing from the anterior border of the opening of the auditory (eustachian) tube to the palate.
Is the salpingopalatine fold part of the torus?
the salpingopalatine fold, a smaller fold, in front of the salpingopharyngeal fold, extending from the superior part of the torus to the palate and containing the levator veli palatini muscle.
How many folds does the medial plica have?
Most people have four of them in each knee. They let you bend and move your leg with ease. One of the four folds, the medial plica, sometimes gets irritated from an injury or if you overuse your knee. This is known as plica syndrome.