What is slang LMAO?
What is slang LMAO?
LMAO — “laughing my ass off”
What does ROFL mean in texting?
rolling/rolled on the floor laughing
rolling/rolled on the floor laughing: written in response to something very funny.
What can I say instead of LMAO?
FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY EMOJI And it’s definitely the laughiest—Instagram engineers found that it’s used similarly to lolol, lmao, lololol, lolz, lmfao, lmaoo, lolololol, lol, ahahah, ahahha, loll, ahaha, ahah, lmfaoo, ahha, lmaooo, lolll, lollll, ahahaha, ahhaha, lml, lmfaooo.
What does Rotfl mean?
rolling on the floor laughing
/ text messaging / abbreviation for. rolling on the floor laughing.
When do you say LMAO what does it mean?
It is used to indicate that something is funny. Lmao is a phrase that comes into mind when we’re laughing very hard, even though we rarely lose body parts to laughing. Lmao stands for laughing my ass off. Typically people use it in written conversations to show that they think something is funny.
What does it mean to use Hyper Text Markup Language?
HTML stands for hyper text markup language. It is a hyper text markup language used to create web pages. It is written in the form of HTML elements. Hyperlink refers to a series of connections in a page to other pages. Markup language means tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the page.
When do you say LMFAO in a text?
Many people say (or text) this acronym when they find something particularly funny. Sometimes, when a person finds something extremely funny, they say LMFAO. This is almost identical in meaning but has the “F” word added to it to create Laughing My F**king A** Off.
What does LMAO, SMH, FML, OMG, AFAIK mean?
The following is a list of the most common and up-to-date teen texting acronyms that will make deciphering those secret messages clear for you: LMAO = Laughing my ass off. FML = F*** my life. LOL = Laugh out loud. SMH = Shake (shaking) my head.