Users' questions

What is paradiddle drum?

What is paradiddle drum?

A paradiddle is a drumming rudiment that combines single strokes with precisely placed double strokes. In drum terminology, “para” means “single stroke” and “diddle” means “double stroke,” and thus the term describes a sticking pattern where a single stroke is followed by a double stroke.

What is the point of paradiddle?

Paradiddles are important because the are the most obvious combination of a single and double. This will improve your control over singles and doubles (which you use most in your playing) thus enabling you to play faster. The pattern also alternates the starting hand which further increases control.

What are the paradiddles on a drum sheet?

The drum sheet contains the series of Paradiddles, the four basic Paradiddles, double, triple, and Paradiddle diddle. The study of Paradiddles is, among other basic exercises for the drums, especially important to learn how to alternate single and double strokes with accented strokes, with both hands.

Is there such a thing as a paradiddle?

Let’s start by defining exactly what a paradiddle is, in case you’re not familiar with the term. A paradiddle is one of the 26 basic rudiments of drumming. (Actually there are more drum rudiments than the official 26, but that’s another article.) A drum rudiment is nothing more than a sticking pattern that has been given a name.

Why do you need to study paradiddles for drumming?

The study of Paradiddles is, among other basic exercises for the drums, especially important to learn how to alternate single and double strokes with accented strokes, with both hands. The symmetrical structure of every Paradiddle helps a better balanced hands and wrists development.

When to use single paradiddle in exercise three?

Exercise three uses the single paradiddle within the context of a drum fill: Once you are finished with this lesson, you can check out some of the other paradiddle rudiments, including the double paradiddle , triple paradiddle, and the interesting single paradiddle-diddle.