What happens after the Odyssey?
What happens after the Odyssey?
After a grueling twenty-year journey, Odysseus finds peace at the end of the epic poem. When he returns home to Ithaca, he finds one hundred suitors in his home, as Teiresias’s prophecy forewarned. With the help of Athena, his son, and a few servants, he kills all of the suitors and reclaims the home.
What happens to Odysseus at the end of the Odyssey?
Odysseus eventually escapes from Calypso, survives a shipwreck where all his compatriots are drowned and is befriended by the Phaeacians, a race of skilled mariners who finally deliver the hero safely to Ithaca, where he takes on the guise of a beggar to learn how things stand at home.
How does the Odyssey relate to life today?
One of the significant ways the Odyssey is relevant to the modern day is through its examination of mortality, as through this we can see how the text teaches us to respect the dead, but also how in turn the text suggests we live our lives. This is achieved mainly through the use of spirits of the dead in Book 11.
What happens in Book 24 of the Odyssey?
In Book 24 of The Odyssey, Hermes, the messenger of gods, takes the spirits of the whining suitors to the underworld, where Achilles and Agamemnon talk about each other’s deaths. Back on earth, Odysseus goes to Laertes’s farm, and proves his identity to his grief-stricken father.
Which is the best summary of the Odyssey?
Summary: Book 1. driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy. The narrator of the Odyssey invokes the Muse, asking for inspiration as he prepares to tell the story of Odysseus. The story begins ten years after the end of the Trojan War, the subject of the Iliad.
How did Odysseus get away from the Cicones?
Reluctantly, Odysseus tells the Phaeacians the sorry tale of his wanderings. From Troy, the winds sweep him and his men to Ismarus, city of the Cicones. The men plunder the land and, carried away by greed, stay until the reinforced ranks of the Cicones turn on them and attack. Odysseus and his crew finally escape, having lost six men per ship.
Where does book 9 of the Odyssey take place?
Books 9 through 12 are told as flashbacks, as Odysseus sits in the palace of the Phaeacians telling the story of his wanderings. These books thus give background not only to Odysseus’s audience but to Homer’s as well.
Where did Odysseus land at the end of the Odyssey?
Athena intervenes to save Odysseus from Poseidon’s wrath, and the beleaguered king lands at Scheria, home of the Phaeacians. Nausicaa, the Phaeacian princess, shows him to the royal palace, and Odysseus receives a warm welcome from the king and queen.