Users' questions

Is Treasure Isle flea market open today?

Is Treasure Isle flea market open today?

Treasure Aisles Flea Market is located at 320 N. Garver Rd. in Monroe, OH. The flea market hours will remain the same: Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. year round.

How much is a booth at Treasure Island?

Treasure Island Residents $250.00 (plus tax) for a six-hour rental, 8am to 10pm, Monday thru Thursday. $350.00 (plus tax) for a six-hour rental Friday thru Sunday. Non-Residents $350.00 (plus tax) for a six-hour rental, 8am to 10pm, Monday thru Thursday. $450.00 (plus tax) for a six-hour rental Friday thru Sunday.

Where is Treasure Island flea market?

San Francisco Bay
It is held on the very beautiful Treasure Island located in the San Francisco Bay off of the Bay Bridge.

When to sell your stuff at Treasure aisles flea market?

Fill your pockets with some loot and treasure when you sell your stuff at Treasure Aisles Flea Market. Indoor and outdoor spaces available. Sell for one day, the weekend or every month! Not only can you find all the great BARRRRRGAINS but you can find them while enjoying some grub! That’s right, eat while you shop! AHOY! ME MATIES!

When is the flea market in Lucasville Ohio?

Market open all year Saturday and Sunday, indoor/outdoor 8am – 3pm. Tuesdays May – September indoor/outdoor 8am – 2pm. Come see the big Lucasville Trade Days event!

What to buy at a flea market in Ohio?

BUY, SELL, TRADE! Over 300 Dealers. New and Used Antiques, Collectibles, Guns, Knives, Toys, Flags, Gifts, Pet Supplies, Hunting Supplies, Furniture, Clothes, Tools, Lawn Care, Flowers, Pottery, Dogs,… Enjoy live music, food, vintage home decor, and more unique items at Caesar Creek Flea Market in Wilmington, OH.

When is Greenville farm power of the past flea market?

Greenville Farm Power of the Past Antique Tractor and Gas Engine Show; July 9-12, 2020 at Darke County Fairgrounds in Greenville, Ohio; Arts, Crafts, & Flea Market with indoor and outdoor spaces a… Please login or create an account in order to claim this listing. Log in | Lost your password?