Is MIT Media Lab good?
Is MIT Media Lab good?
The Media Lab is generally very well funded, especially compared to many engineering programs, since most of the funding comes from corporations that pay money to access knowledge resources at the lab (i.e., your work). That extra funding can be especially helpful if you need to purchase equipment, hardware, etc.
Is MIT Media Lab part of MIT?
The MIT Media Lab is a research laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, growing out of MIT’s Architecture Machine Group in the School of Architecture. Its research does not restrict to fixed academic disciplines, but draws from technology, media, science, art, and design.
What is tangible media?
Tangible Media is currently accepting new students. The Tangible Media group, led by Professor Hiroshi Ishii, explores the Tangible Bits and Radical Atoms visions to seamlessly couple the dual world of bits and atoms by giving dynamic physical form to digital information and computation.
How do you become a MIT Media Lab?
The Media Lab is an academic research lab with a graduate program only. MIT undergrads may work on research projects at the Lab as a part of MIT’s UROP program. Undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors can apply to intern through the MIT Summer Research Program.
Is the Tangible Media Lab accepting new students?
Tangible Media is currently accepting new students. Learn more about how to apply. We live on the border between two worlds: our physical environment and cyberspace.
Who is the leader of the Tangible Media Group?
The Tangible Media Group, led by Professor Hiroshi Ishii, explores the Tangible Bits and Radical Atoms visions to seamlessly couple the dual world of bits and atoms by giving dynamic physical form to digital information and computation. The goal is to enrich human interactions with the digital world taking advantage…
Who is Tangible Media Group and what is biologic?
In collaboration with New Balance, bioLogic is bringing what once may have lived in the realm of fantasies into the world of sportswear. bioLogic is the latest instance of Tangible Media Group’s Radical Atoms vision. This opens in a new window.
Which is an example of Tangible Media Group’s Radical atoms vision?
bioLogic is the latest instance of Tangible Media Group’s Radical Atoms vision. This opens in a new window. Tangible Media Group at MIT Media Lab is leading the project in collaboration with MIT Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Royal College of Art and New Balance.