Is COMcheck prescriptive or performance?
Is COMcheck prescriptive or performance?
COMcheck is a performance method, which means that it provides the building’s overall performance requirement and replaces the individual prescriptive requirements for building envelopes and assemblies.
What is a COMcheck report?
COMcheck Report COMcheck is the U.S. Department of Energy commercial energy compliance software tool that determines whether a new commercial building, high-rise residential building, commercial building addition or alteration meets the requirements of IECC prescriptive based paths or ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
What is REScheck compliance?
REScheck determines compliance for additions in the same manner as new construction. When entering an addition, only the new portions of the building need to be shown in the software. REScheck will perform trade-offs between envelope assemblies when determining compliance.
Do you need to install comcheck on your computer?
COMcheck-Web simplifies commercial and high-rise residential energy code compliance. It performs just like the desktop version of COMcheck, but you don’t need to download or install any software on your computer.
How does an express code for comcheks work?
Express Codes A payer (shipper or a broker) that has an account with COMDATA, issues COMCHEKs to drivers for services rendered or as a fuel advance and they do so in a form of an Express Code for a predetermined amount. The Express Codes vary in length, usually from 14 to 18 digits in length, but will always be just numbers not letters.
Do you need an authorization code for comcheks?
Loading… says: Yes you will need the fill in the authorization code – otherwise you risk the check bouncing and being returned – you can easily get the authorization by calling the phone # on the check. Loading… says: No, you do not fill in the authorization code when you take it to the bank.
Where can I download the com Check program?
The program can be downloaded free of charge from: comcheck. It is advisable to also review the known problems in COM check, which are documented on this same site. This TEK provides a basic overview of the program as well as some guidance on concrete masonry building envelope compliance.