Users' questions

Is case study and case-control study the same?

Is case study and case-control study the same?

A case–control study (also known as case–referent study) is a type of observational study in which two existing groups differing in outcome are identified and compared on the basis of some supposed causal attribute.

What is a cohort case study?

Definition. A study design where one or more samples (called cohorts) are followed prospectively and subsequent status evaluations with respect to a disease or outcome are conducted to determine which initial participants exposure characteristics (risk factors) are associated with it.

How are case cohort studies similar to nested case control studies?

A case-cohort study is similar to a nested case-control study in that the cases and non-cases are within a parent cohort; cases and non-cases are identified at time t 1, after baseline. In a case-cohort study, the cohort members were assessed for risk factros at any time prior to t 1.

When to use a nested case control design?

The nested case-control design is particularly advantageous for studies of biologic precursors of disease.

Which is an advantage of the case cohort design?

– With appropriate sampling and analysis, the HR estimates the HR in the full cohort – In a case-cohort study you can also estimate e.g. rates, rate differences, risks – That is an advantage of the case-cohort design over the NCC, where you typically only estimate relative measures (HR) and not absolute measures (hazard rates or risks)

What’s the difference between a case and control study?

Cases refer to the people who have diabetes and controls refer to the people who do not. Then he conducts a research where he questions the individuals of the two groups to identify possible risk factors. As you can observe there is a clear difference between a cohort study and a case-control study. Now let us summarizes the difference as follows.