How to set construction plane in alias?
How to set construction plane in alias?
To toggle between a construction plane and the world space coordinate system, choose Construction > Toggle Construction Plane . To set a construction plane, pick a reference plane, then choose Construction > Set Construction Plane .
When placing a sketch on construction plane which plane is used?
When the construction plane is active, the points you click or coordinates you type use the coordinate system of the construction plane, instead of world space. There can only be one construction plane in a scene (that is, the current construction plane). All other planes are referred to as reference planes.
What is the purpose of a construction plane?
A construction plane allows you to temporarily use a separate coordinate system that can be arbitrarily oriented with respect to the world space coordinate system. You can easily convert a reference plane to a construction plane and vice versa.
What is UCS AutoCAD?
The UCS is a moveable Cartesian coordinate system that establishes the XY work plane, horizontal and vertical directions, axes of rotation, and other useful geometric references. In 3D workspaces (not available in AutoCAD LT), the Coordinates panel is on the Home tab.
How to make a reference plane in alias?
Adjust the plane by moving the point (s), or using the manipulator (if available), to move, rotate, and size the plane. To make this plane a reference plane, and go on to create another plane, click Next Plane. To make this plane the construction plane, click Set Construction Plane. There can only be one construction plane in a scene.
Can a reference plane become a construction plane?
There can only be one construction plane in a scene. If you create a construction plane and there is already a construction plane in the scene, the existing construction plane will become a reference plane. You can position and rotate the construction plane freely, or constrain it in relation to a curve or surface.
What are the different types of construction planes?
3 Pt – This is the regular 3-point construction plane where you completely define the plane by inputting three points. World – This is also a 1-point plane. You specify the center point and the three axes are oriented along the world axes. You can snap the point to any geometry. Slice – This is a new type of plane where you specify 2 points.
How to create a 1 point construction plane?
This is a 1-point construction plane where you specify the center point of the plane. The plane is oriented so that the Z-axis is parallel to the view vector. You can also snap the point to any geometry. This is a new type of plane where you specify 2 points.