Users' questions

How do you get into 173rd airborne?

How do you get into 173rd airborne?

  1. You can’t join the 173rd Airborne Division, as there is no such thing.
  2. If you want in on the 173rd, keep in mind you’ll also have to graduate Jump School.
  3. Another important thing to remember about the 173rd is that it is the Army’s contingency response force for Europe.

Is airborne obsolete?

Airborne, as practiced by the 82nd AA, was obsolete at the end of WWII. The Army just doesn’t want to admit that because it looks good. But none of them want to admit that the casualties, from the jump and from war, would make any airborne operation a risky adventure.

Where is the 173rd Airborne Brigade stationed?

The lead element of the 173rd Airborne Brigade (“Sky Soldiers”), stationed in Okinawa, departs for South Vietnam.

Which is the only Airborne Brigade in the Army?

All of these units are airborne qualified, making the 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team the only separate airborne brigade in the United States Army. In August 2016 the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 143rd Infantry Regiment became part of the brigade under the Army’s Associated Unit Pilot Program.

What did the 173rd do in Thanh Binh pass?

The 173rd provided security in the Thanh Binh Pass by conducting many platoon and company size sweeps of the area. Early September, the 1/503rd were ordered to Kontum. During this operation VC activity decreased to an 18 month low. 4. BIG RED 7 September 1965- 8 October 1965 Ben Cat, Puoc Ving, Di An, Phu Loc

Where was the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment formed?

Although not part of the Brigade in World War II, the history of the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment is significant to the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, comprising half of its current fighting strength. The 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment was formed in 1941 at Ft Bragg.