Eye Awareness Tips: Protecting Your Eyesight in 2020

According to surveys, more than 12 million Americans over the age of 40 suffer from some sort of vision problem. With the modern technological wave, more and more people of all ages are spending a lot of hours staring at their smartphones, tablets, computers, or TVs. Good vision is essential for performance, at school, at home, behind the wheel, and even at work. It is due to this reason that you need to be aware of your eye health.
Scheduling a routine eye examination will not only help you protect your eyes but also help you diagnose early vision problems. While not all problems with your vision are preventable, adopting a few healthy routines could significantly reduce your chances of vision loss in the future.
Protecting Your Eyesight
Vision loss can significantly affect your quality of life. It is due to this reason that protecting your eyesight is vital. Some of the leading causes of low vision and blindness are age-related conditions such as cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. The following are a few eye awareness tips to help you avoid vision-related problems.
Schedule a regular Eye Exam
Scheduling a routine exam goes beyond just having vision impairment. According to eye doctors in Bourbonnais, IL, eye exams can be useful since they can detect serious health concerns. High blood pressure, as well as diabetic retinopathy, can be diagnosed with an eye exam. Also, take time to research your family health history. Do any of your family members have a history of high blood pressure or diabetes? These traits may increase vision-threatening diseases.
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
It’s not uncommon to forget your overall health when it comes to keeping your eyes healthy. However, adopting a healthy lifestyle is an essential step towards protecting your eyes and vision. Being a healthy individual isn’t just about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s taking your time, and understanding the chronic health conditions you are susceptible to, and how they can affect your vision. Taking care of chronic health conditions like hypertension and diabetes will significantly reduce your chances of experiencing eye-related problems such as vision loss, glaucoma, and retinopathy.
Adopt A Proper Healthy Diet
Did you know that vitamin deficiency can impair your retinal function? Ever had doubts that carrots improve your vision? Well, there’s some truth to it. According to nutritional studies, a variety of leafy green vegetables are essential for your eye health. Researchers have discovered individuals with high levels of vitamin C, Omega 3 fatty acids, lutein, rarely develop vision problems.
Watch out for vision changes
In case you begin to notice changes in your vision, you must get an eye exam immediately. Some of the symptoms include double vision, difficulty seeing, and hazy vision in low light conditions. Other signs that could indicate a severe eye problem include frequent flashes, red eyes, eye pain, swelling, or floaters.
Avoid Smoking
According to medical studies, smoking has direct links to conditions such as AMD, cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Regular smokers also have a higher chance of developing Uveitis, which is a type of Uvea inflammation that can lead to loss of vision. Fortunately, individuals who quit smoking reduce their chances of contracting these conditions.
Bottom Line
Your eye health is essential since it can significantly affect your quality of life. It’s important to note that following the above steps does not guarantee good eye health. However, adopting a healthy lifestyle, routinely having an eye exam, and taking the necessary precautions will decrease your chances of vision problems.