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Do New Yorkers only wear black?

Do New Yorkers only wear black?

This is New York, so no matter the weather, you’re sure to look stunning in our city’s unofficial uniform: head-to-toe black. “It’s only some New Yorkers who wear black, but it’s the kind of people popularly identified with this city — fashion people, artists and hipsters,” Ms. Steele said.

What does it mean if you wear all black?

People who wear all black are often highly emotional, slightly neurotic, and have a desire to deflect what they look like in favor of who they are and what they are trying to accomplish in life. People who wear all black often are subconsciously trying to protect themselves from feelings they think they can’t control.

Why do people in cities wear black?

We wear black because it’s slimming in a city that overvalues slimness. And because it confers a no-nonsense power, and we’re certainly interested in that. We wear black because we’re not tourists here to see a show; because we are, in a sense, with the band. The band is New York, and the color is black.

Is wearing all black acceptable?

Like, every day. When people think of wearing all-black, they probably first think of the goth aesthetic. While it’s more acceptable today to wear all-black than it was a couple of decades ago, there’s still an expectation that black will be worn sparingly, for formal events or the rare funeral.

Do you wear black in New York City?

Yes, said Ms. Steele, but not everyone. “It’s only some New Yorkers who wear black, but it’s the kind of people popularly identified with this city — fashion people, artists and hipsters,” Ms. Steele said.

Why are New Yorkers have always worn black-the cut?

By midcentury, the color had become the thing to wear in New York if you were knowing, creative, or powerful. Also, notably, masculine. Jackson Pollock exemplified the supremely macho artist, and he exemplified this while wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt. Black was the uniform of the jazz musician, then the downtown beatnik, then the punk.

Who are the people that always wear black?

Lou Reed used to wear only black, and Laurie Anderson still does. If you look at the front row of a fashion show, you’ll notice that Grace Coddington wears only black, and at the end of a fashion show, you’ll notice that the designer — Michael Kors, Alexander Wang — takes a bow wearing all black, too.

Why do people wear black to a concert?

We wear black because it’s sexy — possibly the legacy of lingerie. We wear black because we’re not tourists here to see a show; because we are, in a sense, with the band. The band is New York, and the color is black.