Users' questions

Can you get to the Great Barrier Reef from Rockhampton?

Can you get to the Great Barrier Reef from Rockhampton?

There is no direct connection from Rockhampton to Great Barrier Reef. Alternatively, you can take a vehicle from Rockhampton to Great Barrier Reef via Cairns Central Station, Cairns Central Shopping Centre, Cairns City Bus Station, platform 2, Cairns, and Great Barrier Reef Green Island in around 18h 33m.

How much does it cost to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef?

You can swim and would like to try first time Introductory Scuba Diving?

Sea Quest Dive & Snorkel (Adult) $215.00
Reef Magic Cruises (Adult) $328.00
Great Adventures Outer Reef Cruises (Adult) $406.00
Sunlover Reef Cruises (Adult) $338.00

How far inland is Rockhampton?

Rockhampton is situated on the Fitzroy River (pictured below), and lies 40 kilometres inland from the beautiful Capricorn Coast beaches. The City is surrounded by the Berserker Ranges and Mount Archer, posing an impressive backdrop for the vibrant City centre, coast and the outback beyond.

Where is Rockhampton located on the Great Barrier Reef?

Rockhampton is situated on the Fitzroy River (pictured below), and lies 40 kilometres inland from the beautiful Capricorn Coast beaches. The City is surrounded by the Berserker Ranges and Mount Archer, posing an impressive backdrop for the vibrant City centre, coast and the outback beyond.

Where to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef?

The amazing Keppel Islands, on the Great Barrier Reef, are but a short cruise away and you can look forward to a memorable day of snorkeling or scuba diving. So if you are looking to enjoy the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef whilst in Central Queensland then call us to book you’re snorkeling or scuba diving trip .

Where is the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland?

Rockhampton, Great Barrier Reef A vibrant, pituresque city. Rockhampton is situated on the Fitzroy River (pictured below), and lies 40 kilometres inland from the beautiful Capricorn Coast beaches.

Where to skydive in the Great Barrier Reef?

Skydive Mission Beach. Skydiving down to a beach is a real bucket list wish and Mission Beach is one of Australia’s most popular skydive drop zones. Skydive In Tandem Cairns. Soar through the air in a sensational one minute freefall, then glide by parachute with enthralling views of the Great Barrier Reef.