
Which nerve is usually injured during fracture of the mid shaft of humerus?

Which nerve is usually injured during fracture of the mid shaft of humerus?

Injuries to the radial nerve are fairly common in a mid-shaft break because this important nerve tightly wraps around the middle of the humerus. 1 The radial nerve can be injured at the time of the fracture or during treatment.

Which nerves can be injured while humerus is broken?

The radial nerve is the most commonly injured peripheral nerve (Noble et al., 1998). It is also the most common nerve injury associated with humerus fracture (Omer, 1982; Samardzic, Grujicic, & Milinkovic, 1990).

What is the most common site for humeral fractures?

The most frequently fractured site of the humerus especially in elderly is the surgical neck which is an area of constriction distal to the tuberosities. The deforming forces relevant to PHFs include: pectoralis major: displaces humeral shaft anterior/medial.

What kind of nerve damage does a humerus fracture cause?

The most commonly damaged nerve is the radial nerve, as the nerve wraps around the back of the humerus, with between 8-15% of midshaft fractures resulting in radial nerve damage. Injury to the radial nerve usually occurs at the time of injury, but can also occur when the fracture is reduced so great care should be taken when realigning the bones

When is a spiral fracture of the humeral shaft required?

a spiral fracture of the distal one-third of the humeral shaft commonly associated with neuropraxia of the radial nerve (22% incidence) may be necessary for fractures with significant shortening, proximal or distal extension but not routinely indicated

What are the complications of a midshaft humerus fracture?

There are a number of complications that go hand-in-hand with midshaft humeral fractures: Nerve Damage: There is often associated damage to the surrounding nerves with midshaft humerus fractures.

Where is the radial nerve located in the humeral shaft?

The humeral shaft extends distally from the proximal border of the pec- toralis major insertion to the supra- condylar ridge. The spiral groove, which contains the radial nerve, is located posteriorly and serves as an important landmark.