Where can I find VARTA batteries in Germany?
Where can I find VARTA batteries in Germany?
VARTA Consumer Batteries GmbH & Co. KGaA Alfred-Krupp-Str. 9 73479 Ellwangen, Germany Phone +49 (0) 7961 – 83 0
Can a typographical error occur on a Varta website?
Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. VARTA disclaims in particular any responsibility for typographical errors and for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information contained in the company’s web pages. The information and data made available on VARTA servers are subject to change without notice.
Is the information on Varta servers subject to change?
The information and data made available on VARTA servers are subject to change without notice. The services, information, and data made available at VARTA web site are provided “as is” without warranties of any kind.
Are there any warranties for the services of VARTA?
The services, information, and data made available at VARTA web site are provided “as is” without warranties of any kind.
Who are the owners of VARTA consumer batteries?
VARTA Consumer Batteries GmbH & Co. KGaA. Alfred-Krupp-Str. 9. 73479 Ellwangen, Germany. Phone +49 (0) 7961 – 83 0. Fax +49 (0) 800 827 827 4. [email protected]. Management Board: Herbert Schein (CEO), Steffen Munz (CFO), Peter Werner. Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Torsten Schmerer. Registered Office: Ellwangen.
Is the Varta promotive super heavy duty OE quality?
The VARTA ® ProMotive Super Heavy Duty is designed for commercial vehicles, like delivery vehicles, with reliable starting power requirements. It is OE quality and helps your fleet do its job reliably. You are a professional? Use our advanced search in the VARTA Partner Portal.
When to use Varta silver Dynamic AGM batteries?
VARTA ® Silver Dynamic AGM batteries are perfect for advanced start-stop systems in which the battery needs to be quickly recharged through the energy provided by the regenerative braking systems. Made in Germany in the world´s largest AGM production plant.