What is sublevel open stoping?
What is sublevel open stoping?
Sublevel stoping generally is a large-scale open stoping method. It sometimes is referred to as long-hole or blasthole stoping. The main criteria for sublevel open stoping are competent ore and stable host rock, regular ore boundaries, and a footwall dip that exceeds the angle of repose of broken ore.
What is sublevel caving?
Sublevel caving (SLC) is a mass mining method in which the ore is drilled and blasted while the waste rock caves and fills the space created by the extraction of ore (Cokayne 1982. 1982. The ore body is divided into vertical intervals called sublevel intervals.
What is underhand stoping method?
The working of a block of ore from an upper to a lower level; mining downward. The method is particularly suitable for narrow, highly inclined deposits.
Which of the following is the disadvantage of sub level stoping?
Disadvantages. Early production is low due to the lack of available drawpoints near the slot however production increases as new drawpoints are reached. Initial recovery is usually 35-50%. Not a highly selective method.
How is transverse longhole stoping similar to blast hole stoping?
It is an open stoping method and is very similar to sub-level open stoping, Longitudinal longhole retreat, and blast hole stoping. Transverse longhole stoping is a bulk mining method in which the long axis of the stope and access drifts are perpendicular to the strike of the orebody.
How big of hole do you need for sublevel stoping?
The length of the hole to be drilled depends on the extent of the ore and the sublevel spacing. Generally holes are not longer than 25 meters, as anything longer will likely have deviation issues. For sublevel stoping drilling can be done long in advance of the blasting.
How is the nasal obstruction symptom evaluation ( nose ) survey 9?
The Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) survey 9 is an assessment tool designed to capture how your breathing symptoms are affecting your quality of life. It is a simple 5-question survey and uses a 20-point scale to capture breathing symptoms, with higher scores indicating more severe symptoms than lower scores.
What to do about a blocked airway in the nose?
The Max-Air Nose Cones or Sinus Cones CONTROL NASAL TURBINATE SWELLING THROUGH GENTLE COMPRESSION, which relieves the nasal airway blockage by holding the airway open and improving airflow. TIP: Place a little dab of nasal saline moisturizing cream around the very top of the Cones to relieve nasal dryness.