
Should I be worried about conjunctival nevus?

Should I be worried about conjunctival nevus?

Conjunctival nevus is a benign, noncancerous growth and is the most common lesion that occurs on the surface of the eye. It is usually a discrete lesion on the conjunctiva (the clear film over the eye) and can range from dark brown to yellow color, and many times will contain clear cystic components.

What is a conjunctival nevus?

A conjunctival nevus is a freckle or mole-like spot on the clear film (conjunctiva) covering your eyeball. This nevus is a very common type. It ranges from yellow to brown, and it can lighten or darken over time. It is usually not cancerous.

Can conjunctival nevus disappear?

In the case of conjunctival nevi, no other symptoms usually appear other than the visible freckle on the white part of the eye. They are mostly stable over time, but their color may change, particularly during pregnancy or puberty.

How do you treat conjunctival nevus?

Treatment of benign conjunctival nevi is surgical and is indicated to prevent transformation into malignant melanoma or for esthetics. Treatment options include surgical excision and argon laser photoablation.

What does conjunctival neoplasms mean?

The conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia is a squamous neoplasia confined to the conjunctival epithelium that sometimes transgresses the basement membrane but strictly does not have the potential to metastasize, unlike the invasive squamous carcinoma.

What causes a nevus in the eye?

A nevus is caused by the growth of cells called melanocytes. These cells produce the colors of your skin, hair, and eyes. In your eye, the melanocytes behind your retina are normally spread out evenly.

What is melanocytic nevi of trunk?

A melanocytic nevus is benign tumor of melanocytic (pigment-based) cells that occur on the skin Lentiginous Melanocytic Nevus is described as an early phase in the formation of melanocytic nevus. It is a benign, pigmented skin tumor that chiefly forms on the upper and lower limbs and on the trunk region.

Is melanocytic nevus benign?

A melanocytic nevus is benign tumor of melanocytic (pigment-based) cells that occur on the skin. Lentiginous Melanocytic Nevus is described as an early phase in the formation of melanocytic nevus.