
How do you measure pulse width in VHDL?

How do you measure pulse width in VHDL?

In pulse measurement, we need to detect the rising and falling edge of the pulse itself. Figure2 shows how to measure the HIGH and LOW level of the pulse: HIGH phase measurement is between rising and falling edge. LOW phase measurement is between falling and rising edge.

How do you measure pulse width?

Create a ratio that places the length of the cycle activity in the numerator and the length of the overall cycle in the denominator. Divide the numbers. Multiply the result by 100 percent. This yields the pulse width of the duty cycle.

How PWM is implemented in VHDL?

VHDL implementation of PWM In order to implement a PWM in VHDL, we need a simple counter as in Figure4. The PWM period is defined as the number of clock counter we want the counter counts before restart counting. When the counter value is less than the PWM-width value the PWM output is high, else is low.

How do you implement a counter in VHDL?

A counter can be implemented implicitly with a Register Inference. The Quartus II software can infer a counter from an If Statement that specifies a clock edge together with logic that adds or subtracts a value from the signal or variable. The If Statement and additional logic should be inside a Process Statement.

How are pulse length counters used in VHDL?

Pulse length counters VHDL Code simulation. In the VHDL code, we introduced a saturation in length counting. This implementation avoids the counter wrapping, so in case you should read the maximum value on one of the two counters you can guess that the length computed has saturated the counter capability.

How is a PWM implemented in a VHDL code?

So let’ see an example of a VHDL code for a PWM: The generic parameter “ N ” set at compile time the number of bit of the PWM counter. This parameter set the maximum number of bit of the PWM counter. The input signal “ i_pwm_module ” is used as the terminal counter value for the PWM counter.

How does Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM ) work?

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is an efficient way to control analog electronics from purely digital FPGA pins. Instead of attempting to regulate the analog voltage, PWM rapidly switches on and off the supply current at full power to the analog device.

Is there saturation in length counting in VHDL?

In the VHDL code, we introduced a saturation in length counting. This implementation avoids the counter wrapping, so in case you should read the maximum value on one of the two counters you can guess that the length computed has saturated the counter capability.