How do you cut a surface in Solidworks?
How do you cut a surface in Solidworks?
To cut a solid body with a surface or plane: Edit the solid body: In the FeatureManager design tree, click the solid body and click Edit Part. The Edit command might vary depending on the feature you select. Click Cut With Surface on the Features toolbar, or click Insert > Cut > With Surface.
How do you cut a mesh in Solidworks?
Inside of SOLIDWORKS, click File > Open, and directly open your mesh model. Activate the Slicing tool by selecting Insert > Slicing. At this point, we need to select where we want our mesh sliced.
How does PyMOL show the surface of a surface?
doesn’t actually show a surface, it only sets the surface visibility flag on the atoms present (for future reference). An actual surface won’t be computed until PyMOL is asked to refresh or render the display. When running a script, you can force an update by calling:
How to export the coordinates of A PyMOL model?
PyMOL can export its coordinates as WRL wireframe model files for VRML input. # export the coordinates to .obj file. Only surface representation can be saved as .obj. # NOTE: the coordinates are saved in camera coordinate system. save myscene.obj
How to show a ribbon diagram with PyMOL?
This can be done by clicking Setting → Transparency → Surface → select a percentage 7. The ribbon diagram can be shown by typing the following command: show cartoon. The color of the surface can be set to your color of choice by typing: set surface colortype color. In this example shown below, the surface of the cavity is shown in lightblue 8.
What is the cutoff for cavity detection in PyMOL?
By default, the cavity detection radius and cavity detection cutoff are set at 5 solvent radii and 3 solvent radii, respectively. Adjust these settings to reveal potentially important pockets and cavities of different sizes. To do this, click on Settings → Cavity Detection Radius (or Cavity Detection Cutoff) → and select the solvent radii.