
How do I pay my CIMB credit card?

How do I pay my CIMB credit card?


  1. Select “Pay & Transfer”.
  2. Select “Pay Loans & Cards”.
  3. Enter Loan Account Number or Card Number, or select from “My Own Account” or “Recent/Favourite” dropdown list .
  4. Input your payment details: – Payment from which account. – Amount and Payment Date.
  5. Review payment details & Click ‘Make Payment’

How can I pay my CIMB credit card by Cheque in Malaysia?

Cross the cheque and make it payable to “CIMB Bank Berhad – Credit Cards”. Write down your name, card account number(s), telephone number and payment amount for each card account on the reverse of the cheque.

How do I pay my CIMB credit card from maybank2u?

How to pay credit card bill via M2U ID Web

  1. After login to M2U ID Web, choose “Bill Payment” menu. Select “Other Bill Payment” menu.
  2. On Biller Category section, choose “Other Bank Credit Card”. Fill in the details of the credit card information.
  3. Check and make sure to input the correct information.

How to make CIMB payment with credit card?

Your Credit Card, Auto Financing or other Financing payments are now easier than ever! The All-New CIMB Clicks. So Simple & Fast. Anyone Can Do It. Insert your ATM Card and enter your PIN. 1. Select “Others”. 2. Select “Credit Card Payment”. 3. Select “Third Party”. 4. Input your payment details: 5. Confirm payment details.

How to schedule a recurring payment with CIMB?

Recurring Payment Via CIMB Clicks Go to www.cimbclicks.com.my. 1. Log in with User ID and enter password. 2. Select ‘Pay & Transfer’. 3. Select ‘Scheduled Transactions’. 4. Click on ‘three dots button’ at the top right corner and select ‘Schedule a loan/cards payment’ from the menu. 5. Input your payment details:

How can I find the right Biller with CIMB clicks?

With CIMB Clicks, you can find the right biller faster now. With the improved CIMB Clicks pay bills feature, type in the biller name just as you would when you are using a search engine, and the biller name that matches will appear as you type. Select from the list displayed to proceed with your payment.

Is the CIMB enrich world elite credit card DCC?

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a service offered by certain overseas merchants to provide a choice to pay in Ringgit Malaysia (including online purchases) for oversea purchase. * Not applicable for CIMB Enrich World Elite Credit Card.