
How big do fortnight lilies get?

How big do fortnight lilies get?

2-4 feet tall
Fortnight Lily is a rhizomatous perennial producing clumps of long, upright narrow leaves that reach 2-4 feet tall.

Why is it called a fortnight lily?

The Fortnight lily gets its name from its recurring two week flowering cycle during spring and into summer. This is a narrow-leaved species that grows to 30 in. tall with medium green leaves that quickly grows to form dense clumps in gardens and landscapes. Pale yellow flowers to 2 in.

What do fortnight lilies look like?

Description. The foliage of fortnight lilies resembles that of irises, which are in the same family. They have fan-shaped clumps of long narrow spiky leaves that slowly spread by rhizomes. The flowers are creamy white or pale yellow with brownish violet splotches near the centers.

How do you care for fortnight lilies?

You can plant fortnight year-round in mild climates.

  1. Plant fortnight lilies in containers that measure 24 inches in diameter or larger.
  2. Use potting soil formulated for good drainage.
  3. Grow fortnight lilies in full sun to partial shade.
  4. Fertilize in the spring using a general-purpose liquid or granular fertilizer.

What kind of plant is a fortnight lily?

Fortnight Lily, Wild Iris, Cape Iris, Moraea iridioides, Dietes vegeta. Native to eastern and southern Africa, Dietes iridioides (Fortnight Lily) is a rhizomatous evergreen perennial with attractive flowers resembling small Japanese Irises.

How long does it take for Fortnight lily to bloom?

They appear on branched stalks over an incredibly long season, extending from spring to fall and sometimes well into winter in mild climates. Flowering occurs in bloom bursts that seem to occur at 2 week intervals, hence the common name of Fortnight Lily. Each waxy white flower, 3 in.

Can a fortnight lily be grown in a greenhouse?

The fortnight lily can also be grown in a container that can be brought inside or added to a greenhouse when temperatures start to drop. The fortnight lily is also referred to as the African iris and the morea iris.

What should I do with my fortnight lily?

Grow as a low hedge, partition, or simply plant in big pots on a balcony or porch. Once established, needs only occasional watering. Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system. Control weeds until the plants have filled in. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer.
