
Are Omega one betta flakes good?

Are Omega one betta flakes good?

The fresh seafood ingredients in Omega One Betta Flakes are particularly attractive to bettas, since they thrive on a higher protein diet. Plus, the natural protein binders in these flakes are not water soluble, resulting in a much cleaner, healthier environment.

How many pellets should I feed my betta Omega 1?

Usually it 6 pellets. He gets this amount in the morning and at night. He does after all like the flakes I’ve seen him eat those too. I think when I introduced the flakes he probably wasn’t hungry at that time, now he likes both the pellets and flakes.

How much flakes Should you feed a betta fish?

It is recommended to feed your betta fish two to four pellets, once or twice per day. Pellets expand when placed in water and are very filling for your betta fish. Freeze-dried or fresh food can be substituted for their pellet feeding 1 to 2 days per week.

Which is better flakes or pellets for bettas?

The reason that most people use pellets is that they’re often higher quality than their counterparts (flakes) and it’s also easier to watch how much you’re giving him. As well as generally being higher quality than flakes they also have the added benefit of looking more natural to your betta.

What kind of fish is in Omega One Betta buffet flakes?

The fresh seafood ingredients in Omega One foods are particularly attractive to bettas, since they thrive on a higher protein diet. Made with delicious wild salmon and fewer starches and fillers, our Betta Buffet Flakes are a nutritional must for all bettas.

Why do you need pellets for Betta buffet?

Made with delicious wild salmon and fewer starches and fillers, our Betta Buffet Pellets are a nutritional must for all bettas. Plus, the natural protein binders in these pellets are not water soluble, resulting in a much cleaner, healthier environment.

What foods are good for a Betta diet?

The fresh seafood ingredients in Omega One foods are particularly attractive to bettas, since they thrive on a higher protein diet. Made with delicious wild salmon and fewer starches and fillers, our Betta Buffet Pellets are a nutritional must for all bettas.

How big of a stomach does a betta fish have?

Fish are just like dogs, they will continue to eat and eat if there is food infront of them. The important thing to realize is that a Betta’s stomach is only about as big as their eyeball, so you really have to control your portion sizes. If you feed them too much, they may over-eat,…