
Why are my icons taking so long to load?

Why are my icons taking so long to load?

If you notice that icons are displaying incorrectly, or not displaying at all, your first step should be rebuilding the icon cache (in Windows 10) or the thumbnail cache (in Windows 7 and 8). That process basically amounts to finding and deleting the cache file so that Windows rebuilds it on the next restart.

How do I change my icons automatically?

To arrange icons by name, type, date, or size, right-click a blank area on the desktop, and then click Arrange Icons. Click the command that indicates how you want to arrange the icons (by Name, by Type, and so on). If you want the icons to be automatically arranged, click Auto Arrange.

How do I adjust the icon cache in Windows 10?

To change the icon cache size in Windows 10, do the following.

  1. Open the Registry Editor app.
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer.
  3. On the right, modify or create a new string (REG_SZ) value Max Cached Icons .
  4. Set its value to 4096 to set the cache size to 4 MB.
  5. Restart Windows 10.

What to do when icons are slow loading?

Fix Slow-Loading Windows Icons by Increasing the Icon Cache. The icons for your files and programs are stored in a cache, so that Windows can display them quickly instead of having to load them from source files every time.

Is there a way to change the loading icon?

I changed “width: 100px;” to 500px, saved it and then opened the story_html5.html. The spinner started flying all over the place! Hans, you’re a genius. I’m going to try and play around with this, too. Please let us know if you’re able to find more ways to alter the loading icon.

How can I get my Desktop icons to load faster?

Pressing Windows key+R will pop up the Run terminal. 2. Paste this run command and then click on “ OK “. 3. In the Appdata folder, double click on the “ Local ” folder to access it. 4. Now, in Explorer folder, select all the files (iconcache / thumbcache) and then press the ‘ Delete ‘ key from your keyboard to empty the folder.

How do I change the icon on my shortcut?

(If the shortcut points to a web page instead of an application, look in the “Web Document” tab, then click the “Change Icon” button.) A “Change Icon” window will pop up containing a field of icons that you can use with the shortcut.