
Who is a reformer person?

Who is a reformer person?

A reformer is someone who tries to change and improve something such as a law or a social system.

What is an example of reformer?

Reformer Sentence Examples As a social reformer Wesley was far in advance of his time. Two years after Ray’s death, Linnaeus, the great reformer of natural history, was born, and in 1735 appeared the first. But he was a preacher rather than a thinker, a reformer rather than a philosopher.

What does reformer mean in US history?

a person devoted to bringing about reform, as in politics or society. (initial capital letter) any of the leaders of the Reformation.

What is another word for reformers?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for reformer, like: reformist, social reformer, meliorist, pol, theologian, churchman, crusader, moralist, reformers, puritan and puritans.

What are the qualities of a reformer?


  • Strong Conscience.
  • Hard-Working.
  • Responsible.
  • Honest.
  • Dependable.
  • Practical.
  • Self-Controlled.

What is a reformer in religion?

Definition. Religious reforms are performed when a religious community reaches the conclusion that it deviated from its – assumed – true faith. Religious reforms usually lead to a reformulation of the religious teachings held for true, and to the condemnation resp. rejection of teachings held for wrong.

Who are called social reformers?

social reformer – a disputant who advocates reform. crusader, meliorist, reformer, reformist. controversialist, disputant, eristic – a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy. abolitionist, emancipationist – a reformer who favors abolishing slavery.

What does a democratic reformer mean?

Reform Democrats in the United States are members of the Democratic Party who are opposed to the Democratic political machines of their respective cities, counties, or states or to analogous machine politics at a national level.

What is the opposite of a reformer?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for reformer. peacemaker, reconciler, uniter.

What is another word for a catalyst?


  • encouragement,
  • goad,
  • incitation,
  • incitement,
  • momentum,
  • motivation,
  • provocation,
  • What do reformers do?

    “The reformer assists the individual in achieving the goals of Pilates, which include the use of diaphragmatic breathing to organize the body’s posture through coordinated movements with an emphasis on postural control.”

    What qualities are required for becoming social reformer?

    Individuals who have the extraordinary personality are committed leaders, humanistic, rational and supportive. They use emotions, expressions, and opinions to operate with people over physical actions. They experience the closeness, participating, organizations, unregulated movement and bring transformation.

    What does the name reformer mean?

    noun Re*form”er. Senses. One who effects a reformation or amendment; one who labors for, or urges, reform; as, a reformer of manners, or of abuses. [ Eccl.Hist] One of those who commenced the reformation of religion in the sixteenth century, as Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli, and Calvin.

    What is the best definition of the word reformer?

    A person who seeks to bring about reform, esp. political or social reform. Any of the leaders of the Reformation. One who reforms, or who works for reform. (history) One who was involved in the Reformation.

    Was Martin Luther a reformer or revolutionary?

    Martin Luther was a revolutionary to the extent that his ideas challenged the established power of the Church. However, he did encourage a revolution against all forms of established order – his opposition was only directed towards the Church. Furthermore, he did not cause the Reformation.