What did Pee Wee Reese die from?
What did Pee Wee Reese die from?
Lung cancer
Pee Wee Reese/Cause of death
In his later years, Reese was employed at Hillerich & Bradsby, makers of Louisville Slugger baseball bats. He battled prostate and lung cancer during the final years of his life, and died on August 14, 1999 at his Louisville home.
Where did Pee Wee Reese die?
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Pee Wee Reese/Place of death
Is Pee Wee Reese alive?
Deceased (1918–1999)
Pee Wee Reese/Living or Deceased
How old was Pee Wee Reese when he died?
81 years (1918–1999)
Pee Wee Reese/Age at death
Pee Wee Reese, the Hall of Fame shortstop and hugely popular captain of the Brooklyn Dodgers in their glory years of the 1950’s, died yesterday at his home in Louisville, Ky. He was 81.
Pee Wee Reese, the Hall of Fame shortstop and Brooklyn Dodgers captain whose leadership and example helped ease the way for Jackie Robinson to break major league baseball’s color barrier, died Saturday. He was 81. The Los Angeles Dodgers confirmed Reese’s death. He died at his home in Louisville, Ky.
Why was Pee Wee Reese important to the Dodgers?
This demonstration quieted the fans, and the Reds. It was a crucial moment in Robinson’s evolution from outsider to big leaguer. Just as significantly, it defined the character and career of Pee Wee Reese, the quietly forceful captain of the postwar Brooklyn Dodgers.
What kind of cancer did Pee Wee Reese have?
Pee Wee Reese Dies At 81. Reese, who overcame prostate cancer years ago, underwent radiation treatment for lung cancer in March 1997 after doctors removed a malignant tumor. He also was recovering from a broken hip at the time. An eight-time All-Star, Reese sparked the Dodgers to seven National League pennants.
When was Pee Wee Reese inducted into Baseball Hall of Fame?
Reese was inducted into baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1984. A regular at the induction ceremonies at Cooperstown, N.Y., until recent years, he was not at the shrine three weeks ago for the festivities.