Is University of Moratuwa good?
Is University of Moratuwa good?
University of Moratuwa has an overall score of 4.5 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.
How do I get into Moratuwa University?
Eligibility. The entry to the programme of study is through GCE advanced Level examination based on the Z score. In addition the students should pass the aptitude test conducted by University of Moratuwa. Please refer to the University Grant Commision yearly addmission criteria circular for accurate details.
What are the faculties in Moratuwa University?
University of Moratuwa, consists of three Faculties namely, Architecture, Engineering and Information Technology with nineteen (19) academic departments offering eleven (11) Bachelors degree programs to students selected by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and fifty six (56) postgraduate programs together with …
What is Faculty of Architecture?
The Faculty of Architecture is committed to the study of the natural and artificial systems primarily comprising cities, buildings and industrial products. The Faculty and its curricula are organized around two basic disciplines of design and planning.
Is the University of Moratuwa a faculty of architecture?
The Faculty of Architecture at present offers the following Undergraduate Degree programmes. In addition, the Faculty of Architecture offers the following Postgraduate Degree programmes. The M.Sc (by research), M.Phils.
Which is the only university faculty in Sri Lanka?
The Faculty of Architecture is the only University Faculty in Sri Lanka that provides undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the disciplines of Architectural, Quantity Surveying & Planning education.
How many students are in the Faculty of architecture?
At present there are more than 2000 Undergraduates and Postgraduate students and the Faculty functions its academic activities with more than 80 academic staff. The Faculty of Architecture comprises the following 4 academic departments.