Is there a word Reviewee?
Is there a word Reviewee?
A Reviewee is the subject of your review, or the person(s) who the questions are about. A Reviewer is the person completing the review, or the person(s) answering the questions.
What is a Resac?
Definition. RESAC. Regional Earth Science Applications Center (NASA)
What is the synonym of reviewer?
Reviewer Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for reviewer?
critic | commentator |
evaluator | expert |
interpreter | observer |
referee | reporter |
scholiast | annotator |
What is the difference between reviewer and reviews?
As nouns the difference between reviewer and review is that reviewer is a person who writes critical reviews for a newspaper or other publication; a critic while review is a second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact.
Which is the best definition of the term reviewee?
Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: reviewee(Noun) One who undergoes a review. Encourage the reviewee to do most of the talking.
What is the kids dictionary definition of review?
Kids Definition of review (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : to look at or study again Let’s review the lesson. 2 : to look at or examine carefully Let’s review your record. 3 : to report on or evaluate the quality of Critics will review the book.
What is the synonym for the word reviewer?
See more synonyms for reviewer on noun. a person who reviews. a person who reviews books, plays, etc.
Who is the person who undergoes a review?
[noun] One who undergoes a review. Reviewee’s responsibilities 7.1.3 Joint Review Approach i. Reviewer and reviewee are known by names, allowing subsequent discussions on content between reviewer and reviewee prior to a final judgement. Did any of these reviewees get upset about the pictures she posted? Showing page 1.