
Is there a word Reviewee?

Is there a word Reviewee?

A Reviewee is the subject of your review, or the person(s) who the questions are about. A Reviewer is the person completing the review, or the person(s) answering the questions.

What is a Resac?

Definition. RESAC. Regional Earth Science Applications Center (NASA)

What is the synonym of reviewer?

Reviewer Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for reviewer?

critic commentator
evaluator expert
interpreter observer
referee reporter
scholiast annotator

What is the difference between reviewer and reviews?

As nouns the difference between reviewer and review is that reviewer is a person who writes critical reviews for a newspaper or other publication; a critic while review is a second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact.

Which is the best definition of the term reviewee?

Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: reviewee(Noun) One who undergoes a review. Encourage the reviewee to do most of the talking.

What is the kids dictionary definition of review?

Kids Definition of review (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : to look at or study again Let’s review the lesson. 2 : to look at or examine carefully Let’s review your record. 3 : to report on or evaluate the quality of Critics will review the book.

What is the synonym for the word reviewer?

See more synonyms for reviewer on noun. a person who reviews. a person who reviews books, plays, etc.

Who is the person who undergoes a review?

[noun] One who undergoes a review. Reviewee’s responsibilities 7.1.3 Joint Review Approach i. Reviewer and reviewee are known by names, allowing subsequent discussions on content between reviewer and reviewee prior to a final judgement. Did any of these reviewees get upset about the pictures she posted? Showing page 1.