
How much does a WA State Representative make?

How much does a WA State Representative make?

Washington House of Representatives

House of Representatives of Washington
Authority Article II, Washington State Constitution
Salary $56,881/year + per diem
Last election November 3, 2020 (98 seats)

What are the salaries of Representatives?

Salaries of members of the United States Congress

Position Salary
Senators and House Representatives $174,000
Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico $174,000
President pro tempore of the Senate $193,400
Majority leader and minority leader of the Senate $193,400

Who are the senators for Washington State?

Patty Murray (Democratic Party)
Maria Cantwell (Democratic Party)

How much does a politician make a year?

Because of these variations, determining an average state legislator’s salary is nearly impossible. The highest paid state legislators in 2016 worked in California and earned $100,113 annually.

When does minimum wage increase in Washington State?

Pay raises Employers are not required to give employees pay raises, unless the employee is paid minimum wage and the minimum wage is increased. Washington’s minimum wage is scheduled to increase to $13.50 on Jan. 1, 2020. The minimum wage will be adjusted for inflation yearly beginning in 2021.

How do you get paid in Washington State?

Pay Requirements 1 Wages. Employees must be paid for all work perform at the rate agreed upon with their employer. 2 Agreed wage. Employees and employers may come to agreements related to payment that are more favorable than state law. 3 Pay raises. 4 Paychecks.

Where can I find list of state employee salaries?

Note: Salaries shown are the latest final data available from the Office of Financial Management.

Do you have to pay overtime in Washington State?

Regardless of how an employee is paid, their rate of pay must be at least the current state minimum wage. And most employees working more than 40 hours per week must be paid overtime. Employees and employers may come to agreements related to payment that are more favorable than state law.