
How many Taluks are there in Nagapattinam district?

How many Taluks are there in Nagapattinam district?

seven taluks
The district has seven taluks, eleven administrative blocks, eight town panchayats, and four municipalities. Five of the talukas are coastal, and all are named after their main towns, which are their administrative centres.

Which zone is Nagapattinam?

A Coastal District of Tamil Nadu, on the eastern coast, Bay of Bengal, 326 K.M, south of the State Capital, Chennai, 145 K.M from Trichy, A middle Town. The District Capital Nagapattinam lies between Northern Latitude 10.7906 degrees and 79.8428 Degrees Eastern Longitude.

Is Nagapattinam rural or urban?

Nagapattinam District Population of Rural and Urban The district has an total area of 2,569 sq km., 187.76 sq km is urban and 2381 sq km is rural. Out of total population of Nagapattinam, 1,794,260 in the district, 364,624 are in urban area and 1,251,826 are in rural area.

How many villages are there in Nagapattinam district?

Taluk-wise List

Sl No Taluk Total Villages
2 Kuthalam 57
3 Mayiladuthurai 61
4 Nagapattinam 87
5 Sirkali 89

Where is Nagapattinam district located in Tamil Nadu?

Nagapattinam district is located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal covering an area of 2715.83 Sq. km. This coastal district of Tamil Nadu lies between 10.10° and 11.20° North latitudes and 79.15° and 79.50° East longitudes.

Which is the best place to get job in Nagapattinam?

Tamil Nadu Nagapattinam district Jobs 2021 notifications are released at Nagapattinam District Recruitment Bureau official website @ Nagapattinam DRB will recruit staff for the cooperative institutions, societies, and banks in the Nagapattinam region.

Who is the founder of Nagapattinam district court?

The Chudamani Vihara in Nagapattinam constructed by the Sri Lankan king with the help of Chola kingdom is an important Buddhist structure of the times. Nagapattinam was settled by the Portuguese and, later, the Dutch under whom it served as the capital of Dutch Coromandel from 1660 to 1781 CE.

Are there any Buddhist statues in Nagapattinam district?

For the statues still present in various parts of Nagapattinam District, see A Majestic Vestige of Buddhism in Pushpavanam and Presence of Buddhism in Buddhamangalam and Peruncheri.