
How does white working class underachievement affect society?

How does white working class underachievement affect society?

White Working Class Underachievement A recent parliamentary report has found that poor white boys and girls do worse in schools than children in other ethnic groups. How much worse do poor white children do? The report uses students who received free school meals (FSM children) as an indicator of poverty:

How are working class more likely to underachieve in college?

He stated that working class students use restricted code which is the use of limited vocabulary but middle class students use the elaborated code which is more complex and uses a wider range of vocabulary.

What are the white working class achievement gaps?

See Strand, S., “Ethnicity, gender, social class and achievement gaps at age 16: intersectionality and ‘getting it’ for the white working class”, Research Papers in Education, Vol 29 Issue 2, 2014 for full details. 32.

What did New Labour do for underachievement in schools?

In 2003 New Labour launched ‘The London Challenge’ to drive up standards, and invested £80 million in leadership, targeting failing schools – about 80% of schools in London now have ‘outstanding leadership’ according to OFSTED and 50% of children in London on Free School Meals get 5 good GCSEs, irrespective of ethnicity.

How are white working class children doing at school?

In the UK, it is widely documented both in academic circles and in the popular press that white working-class children consistently do quite poorly at school.

Who are the’left behind white working class’?

Free school meals have become the proxy within which this government and other commentators talk about ‘left behind white working class boys’. Indeed, within this particular context, white boys are indeed some of the lowest attainers and live in some of the poorest conditions.

How does the EEF help white working class children?

Alongside the EEF “toolkit”, our recommendation for an annual report from Ofsted on how the pupil premium is being used will ensure that suitable information on how to use this extra funding reaches schools. An updated good practice report from Ofsted on tackling white working class underachievement would also help schools to focus their efforts.