
How do you use NB?

How do you use NB?

People use “N.B.” at the end of a writing (say, a letter) to add a piece of information. Equally, I find people using “P.S.” in the end of a writing (usually, a letter) to add a piece of information. Literally, “N.B.” stands for “Nota Bene” and “P.S.” for “Post Script”.

What does the Latin et al mean?

and others
Hint: The abbreviation et al. is short for the Latin phrase et alia, meaning “and others.”

Is etc Latin?

The Latin phrase et cetera has been used in English since the early Middle Ages and translates as “and others of the same kind” or “and so forth.” (Et means “and”; cētera means “the other, other part, that which remains.”) Earliest print evidence of its common abbreviation, etc., is from the 15th century, and it is …

What is circa short for?

What does CIRCA mean? circa(adv.) Approximately; about; commonly abbreviated ca.; — used especially before dates and numerical measures; as, he was born circa 1650; ca.

What are some cool Latin phrases?

List of cool Latin words & phrases. Ab aeterno – from time immemorial. Amantes sunt amentes – lovers are lunatics. Amor vincit omnia – love conquers all. Audaces fortuna iuvat – fortune favors the brave . Aut disce aut discede – learn or leave.

What is Latin for and others?

Et al. comes from the Latin phrase meaning “and others.” It is usually styled with a period, but you will occasionally see et al as well. Et al. typically stands in for two or more names, especially in bibliographical information.

What is the abbreviation for in other words?

What is the abbreviation for In Other Words? In Other Words is abbreviated as IOW (also INPO or INPO)

What do the Latin words?

Latin Words Praemonitus praemunitus . Forewarned is forearmed. Pro bono. For the good. Pro rata. For the rate. Quid pro quo. This for that. Rigor mortis. Stiffness of death. Semper fideles. Always faithful. Semper fortis. Always brave. Sic parvis magna. Greatness from small beginnings. Sola fide. By faith alone. Status quo. The situation in which or current condition. Subpoena. Under penalty