
Can you use high beams on divided highway?

Can you use high beams on divided highway?

There may be long stretches of road that are only illuminated by your headlights. In those low-visibility conditions, use your high-beam headlights to increase your viewing range. However, dim your high beams when you’re near other vehicles, even on divided highways.

What would cause high beams not to work?

By far the most common reason your brights will stop working is from a blown fuse or a bad relay. Or, it could be a bad relay. If the headlight relay has failed, it may not respond when you attempt to switch the high beams on. Replacing the relay should restore the system and get your high beams working once again.

Are you supposed to dim your headlights on a divided highway?

To dim or not to dim You must dim your headlights at least 200 m (650 ft) in advance of oncoming vehicles and keep them dim until the vehicle has passed. If you are on a divided highway where the distance between the roadways is 22 m (70 ft) or more, you do not need to dim your headlights.

When to use high beams on the road?

In rural areas, high beams also help you avoid hitting animals, bicyclists, or pedestrians taking a late-evening stroll. While country roads may appear deserted, be prepared to quickly dim your high beams for approaching traffic or when you approach another vehicle from behind.

When is it illegal to use a high beam in Texas?

Texas 1 High beams may not be used when driving on lighted roads. 2 High beams are also not allowed when driving in fog, heavy rain, snow, sleet, or dust. 3 High beams must be dimmed when approaching traffic is within 500 feet. 4 High beams must also be dimmed when following within 300 feet of another vehicle.

When do you need to dim your high beams?

Your high beams will also protect pedestrians and bicyclists who may be on the side of the road or crossing in front of you. In urban areas, state law typically requires you to dim high beams within 300 to 1000 feet of approaching vehicles. You must also dim them within 200 to 300 feet of vehicles you’re following,…

When to not use your high beam headlights?

Don’t use your high beams when driving in fog, rain, or snow Never use your high-beam headlights while you are driving in fog, rain, or snow. In such conditions, they can make your vision even worse. High beams will shine directly into the fog or precipitation, which will reflect the bright light back to you.