What is Shure Beta 57A used for?
What is Shure Beta 57A used for?
Excellent for acoustic and electric instruments as well as for vocals, the extremely versatile Beta 57A dynamic microphone provides optimal warmth and presence. Typical applications include drums, guitar amplifiers, brass, woodwinds and vocals.
Is Shure SM57 good for drums?
When it comes to micing a snare drum, the SM57 has pretty much dominated for the best part of 50 years. The SM57 adds just the right amount of low-end weight, while also adding presence and ‘crack’ to the drum. For this reason, the 57 is a go-to mic and has featured on countless records throughout music’s history.
Are Shure SM57 good for Toms?
As well as our editor’s choice product, we will always recommend the Shure SM57 for toms and snares. This mic is so versatile and can be used to record lots of other instruments in the studio. It’s also a superb live tom mic.
Should I get an SM57?
Musicians should get the Shure SM57. If you’re just starting out in the music world and don’t know what to get, this is a great introductory option. It’s dynamic and doesn’t require external power to operate. It can handle extreme sound pressure levels, which means distortion should rarely be an issue.
Is the SM57 really any good for snares?
The humble Shure SM57 is one of the most popular snare close mics for a reason — but it’s intended to work with other mics around the kit, not to deliver the perfect snare sound on its own! I’m just getting into recording drums (only using cymbal, kick, snare and tom mics so far), but I’m having real trouble getting a good snare sound.
What’s the difference between Shure Beta 57A and SM57?
The SM57 has a characteristic sound that Shure describes as a “carefully contoured presence rise.” That means it gives a boost to midrange tones. It also has a clean sound although it’s not as great at eliminating handling noise as the Shure Beta 57A described above.
How to MIC a snare drum with a Shure SM57?
Snare Drum Mic Technique 1 Distance. In order to capture the complete snare sound, place the mic a good 4 inches away from the snare to ensure you capture the whole drum sound. 2 Keep safe from stick hits. The SM57’s black swivel windscreen was never designed to be hit with drum sticks. 3 Position. 4 Tune your drums.
What kind of music can I record with the SM57?
It has an extremely effective cardioid pickup pattern which isolates the main sound source while minimizing background noise. In the studio, it is excellent for recording drums, guitar, and woodwinds. For musical instruments or vocals, the SM57 is a consistent choice of professional performers.